Linggo, Pebrero 16, 2014

Connections between Me and Internetヽ(○’ー’○)

So, Internet has been used among people all over the world. This is used to have the opportunity to connect globally and have fun with others. This could make friendship among people even the other one is on the other side of the planet. The Internet changed our lives enormously, there's no doubt about that. Internet is one of the greatest invention of our generation. They are use by many now and could ask, view and discover more when surfing the Internet. Internet could have impact onto our lives, it could be positive and negative. For me, as a user and as a mere student, I use internet for my researches, for my own discovery, and for my studies. In this way I could learn more that my teacher hasn't taught me yet. When I'm bored, I could open social networking sites that could entertain me and aside from that, I could make new friends out of it. I also became an Otaku or should I say, anime lover. Because of my friends at the cyber world, they taught how to love animation and watch more and to tell you honestly, I could sometimes relate. But what matter too is the negative impacts of Internet. They could make our attention away from our studies and it could always draw our attention to the internet. Aside from that, It could injure our eyes because of the monitor we always look at. And sometimes, there are other people who discovered bad sites which is restrictly not suitable for kids and under mature age. People also today are fond of bullying at other people through internet. That's why some people try to kill themselves. But I truly believe, that if you will never let tempt yourself to do anything bad and abuse yourself to the internet, then everything will work out just fine.

~Iannah May Gentallan  v(o^▽^o)v
So, uhh, yeah! When we overuse internet, something like this happens :)

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